Bundle Dye Workshop in Berlin

Next date
22. Februar 2025

Get creative with a range of plants: blooms, roots, leaves from trees and whole plants.

Sign up

Next dates:
22. Februar 2025 11-14 Uhr

To sign up via bank transfer or credit card send me an email.
Upon signing up I will send you an email with confirmation + all details within 24 hrs to your mail address used for paypal. Please make sure to check your inbox and spam folder.

Zu den Preisen: Ich probiere ein neues Preissystem aus – neben dem regulären Ticket gibt es auch ermäßigte, und Fördertickets. Die Fördertickets unterstützen mich dabei, weiterhin Ermäßigungen anbieten zu können. Wenn dir das möglich ist, freue ich mich über deinen Beitrag!
Das ganze basiert auf Selbsteinschätzung, mehr Infos findest du etwas weiter unten.

Anmeldung per Paypal

Ermäßigt Bundle Dye November63.00 EUR22. Februar 2025 11.00-14.00
Regulär Bundle Dye November77.00 EUR22. Februar 2025 11.00-14.00
Förderticket Bundle Dye November90.00 EUR22. Februar 2025 11.00-14.00
After payment you will receive an email with detailed information.


Guideline for self-assessment for tickets

Reduced rate
For people in training, single parents, precariously employed or similar - if this applies to you and you are not covered by financial reserves or high-earning household members, for example, you are welcome to choose this ticket.

You are in regular employment or otherwise financially secure. You're not rolling in money, but you can certainly afford a vacation once a year, and hobbies and things like going to restaurants, the cinema or theater are also possible.

You can also afford the sponsorship price and are happy to contribute in solidarity to reduced prices. Thank you!

Detailfoto von Bundle Dye Stoff, gefaerbt mit Blueten, Muster in Blau und Grau