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Plant dyeing: 1-day workshop in Berlin
Local plants + mindful mordanting
Next date
Spätwinterfarben | 23. März 2025 in Prenzlauer Berg
![Baumwollstoffe in leuchtendem Gelb, Apricot und Rot, gefärbt mit Pflanzen, und ein Ende der Stoffe hängt in einer Schüssel mit Eisen-Lösung, die Farben werden dort dunkler](
Dye your own textiles with plants that you can find around you! There is local dyeing potential to explore in every season.
We spend a whole day immersing ourselves in dyeing with plants.
The focus is on local plants and gentle, environmentally friendly mordanting.
The workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical basics of natural fibers and plant-based dyes. And there will also be plenty of time to try this out in practice in the dye pots.
In addition to dyeing, you will also learn how to prepare textiles, how to achieve lasting colors through mordanting and how to extract color from fresh and dry plants. We usually dye with five plants and discuss other dye plants.
Considerations when working with plants and mineral additives is also an area of focus so that you can later dye safely and in a way that is resource-friendly.
After the workshop, you will have a solid basis to continue experimenting on your own!
![Stoffstapel, mit Stoffen von Gelb, Orange über zarte Grüntöne bis zu Alt- und Hellrosa, alle gefärbt mit Pflanzen in Berlin](
![rote Wolle in Emailleschüssel, gefärbt mit Krappwurzel in Berlin-Lichtenberg, daneben steht ein Glas mit Krapp-Farbbad](
Workshop: As a group we dye various samples of different fabrics - so we can see what difference the fibers and pre-treatment make to the colors, and with five different plants - as far as possible with dye plants matching the season. Everyone gets a little dye archive of all the samples to keep.
And then there will be plenty of time to dye what you bring to the workshop! This could be wool in skeins, smaller fabrics or even items of clothing. Anything that's made from natural fibers. If you have any questions, I will be happy to help you in advance.
I also prepare cotton scarves that can be dyed.
FYI: This workshop is focused on water soluble plant dyes. If you want to dye blue with indigo, join the Indigo Intro Workshop.
What you get: a dye archive with all our dye samples and notes to read at home, plus a detailed booklet, and if you like, you'll get a cotton scarf from me to dye + new colors for your textiles and lots of inspiration and plant curiosity!
Tea and coffee are provided, as well as cake in the afternoon.
Where: The workshop will take place in Prenzlauer Berg, at Pappelallee 82, Circularium, 10437 Berlin.
Access at ground level.
Sign up
Next dates:
23. März 2025
To sign up via bank transfer or credit card send me an email.
Upon signing up I will send you an email with confirmation + all details within 24 hrs to your mail address used for paypal. Please make sure to check your inbox and spam folder.
Zu den Preisen: Ich probiere ein neues Preissystem aus – neben dem regulären Ticket gibt es auch ermäßigte, und Fördertickets. Die Fördertickets unterstützen mich dabei, weiterhin Ermäßigungen anbieten zu können. Wenn es dir das möglich ist, freue ich mich über deinen Beitrag!
Das ganze basiert auf Selbsteinschätzung, mehr Infos findest du etwas weiter unten.
Anmeldung per Paypal
Regelticket 159€ incl. all materials – price contains 19% vat
Ich biete gern auch Ratenzahlung an. Schreibe mir dafür einfach per email.
Here you can find t&c for the workshops. Tickets can be refunded up to ten days before the date.
Workshops can be held in German and/or English as participants require.
Limited places, registration required.
Guideline for self-assessment for tickets
Reduced rate
For people in training, single parents, precariously employed or similar - if this applies to you and you are not covered by financial reserves or high-earning household members, for example, you are welcome to choose this ticket.
Du bist regulär beschäftigt oder anders finanziell sicher. Du schwimmst nicht im Geld, kannst aber einmal im Jahr Urlaub leisten, Hobbys oder Dinge wie Restaurant-, Kino-/Theaterbesuche o.ä. sind auch möglich.
You can also afford the sponsorship price and are happy to contribute in solidarity to reduced prices. Thank you!
The flexible prices are an experiment and are based on self-assessment.
If you can, please choose the regular or supporter ticket. This is the only way I can offer the discounted spots in the long term. Thank you!
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![Tshirts und Mütze gefärbt mit Krappwurzel und Lindenzweigen](
![Einmachgläser mit Pflanzenfarben und Stoffen gefüllt in Berlin-Lichtenberg, dahinter hängen gelbe Stoffe gefärbt mit Goldrute](
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