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Indigo Intro Workshop in Berlin
Nächster Termin: 15. März 2025
11 bis 14.30 Uhr | Lichtenberg
Dye blue naturally with indigo.
People have been dyeing with indigo for thousands of years. The path to natural blue is not straight forward, and there is not just one: traditionally, it involves fermentation and requires a lot of time and experience.
In this workshop, you will learn about two quicker variations that do not require strong chemicals and are also suitable for use at home.
You don't need any previous knowledge - the workshop is suitable for beginners as well as for people who want to learn about alternatives to indigo dyeing with ammonia and sodium dithionite. Please write to me if you would like to clarify whether the workshop is suitable for you.
Together we will prepare an organic mini indigo vat (vat is the name of the indigo dye bath) for each participant, which you can continue experimenting with at home. And we also dye blue here in the studio!
Following the recipes you will learn in the workshop, you can dye with indigo yourself. We will discuss how to maintain the indigo vats and which recipes are particularly suitable for certain fibers.
If you like, you can also try a simple folding method for blue and white patterns - like shibori.
What you get:
• a series of our samples
• a comprehensive booklet
• a mini indigo vat to continue dyeing at home
• everyone can also bring something small to dye blue - such as a pair of socks, a hair band or a bandana.
Please bring a well-fitting FFP2 mask for working with the fine indigo pigment.
Where: The workshop will take place in my studio, Studios ID, Genslerstr. 13, 13055 Berlin.
The studio is on the 3rd floor, there is an elevator.
Sign up
Next date
15. März 2025 11 bis 14.30
To sign up via bank transfer or credit card send me an email.
Upon signing up I will send you an email with confirmation + all details within 24 hrs to your mail address used for paypal. Please make sure to check your inbox and spam folder.
Zu den Preisen: Ich probiere ein neues Preissystem aus – neben dem regulären Ticket gibt es auch ermäßigte, und Fördertickets. Die Fördertickets unterstützen mich dabei, weiterhin Ermäßigungen anbieten zu können. Wenn dir das möglich ist, freue ich mich über deinen Beitrag!
Das ganze basiert auf Selbsteinschätzung, mehr Infos findest du etwas weiter unten.
Anmeldung per Paypal
Price includes 19% VAT.
Ich biete gern auch Ratenzahlung an. Schreibe mir dafür einfach per email.
Here you can find t&c for the workshops. Tickets can be refunded up to ten days before the date.
Guideline for self-assessment for tickets
Reduced rate
For people in training, single parents, precariously employed or similar - if this applies to you and you are not covered by financial reserves or high-earning household members, for example, you are welcome to choose this ticket.
You are in regular employment or otherwise financially secure. You're not rolling in money, but you can certainly afford a vacation once a year, and hobbies and things like going to restaurants, the cinema or theater are also possible.
You can also afford the sponsorship price and are happy to contribute in solidarity to reduced prices. Thank you!
The flexible prices are an experiment and are based on self-assessment.
If you can, please choose the regular or supporter ticket. This is the only way I can offer the discounted spots in the long term. Thank you!
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