Month: March 2023

  • Kurz + bündig: Färber-Mädchenauge

    Short + sweet: Dyer's Tickseed

    Dyer's tickseed, botanically Coreopsis tinctoria Tickseed is an annual plant with delicate leaves and a large number of small flowers. The flowers are a warm yellow with a mahogany red eye.

  • Kurz + bündig: Färberwaid

    Short + sweet: Woad

    Woad, botanically Isatis tinctoria woad, has a long history in Germany, especially in Thuringia, where woad provided work and prosperity. The same applies to other regions in Central Europe, such as the southwest of France. Nevertheless, woad did not originally come from Central Europe. Woad was cultivated by humans very early on and has been used as a...