Dye seeds Woad, Isatis tinctoria

2,99 inkl. MwSt.

Saatgut vom Färberwaid, Isatis tinctoria



Shipping starts on February 17th. Regular shipping days are monday or tuesday + friday.

For a long time woad was grown successfully and on a large scale in German regions, for example in Thuringia - because the green leaves contain the coveted indigo dye for dyeing blue. And you can grow it in your garden, too!

Woad is a biennial plant - the leaves are harvested in the first year for dyeing. In its second year woad flowers abundantly and is popular with many insects.

Choose a location with loose and nutrient-rich soil, well-drained, humous and rather calcareous. Sun is also important - best wait for a few sunny days to harvest.

The seeds were grown locally. I offer a dye plant seeds kit with different plants here.

Start indoors: March – April
Plant outdoors: from May
Sow in place: May

Spacing: 30cm

Contains about 50 seeds. If you're already familiar with woad seed pods, the small seeds have already been removed from their shells here. This improves the germination rate.

Shipping: Versandtage sind zur Zeit Montag or Dienstag und Freitag. Das Saatgut wird mit DHL verschickt, mit Sendungsverfolung. Innerhalb Deutschlands kostet das 4,15€.


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