Month: September 2020

  • Pflanzenfärben 1×1: Was ist Beizen?

    Plant dyeing 101: What is mordanting?

    "What exactly is mordanting?" Have you ever asked yourself this, perhaps while leafing through a natural dye book? If you only have a vague idea about mordanting, then you probably already know that it's "kind of important". Read more if mordants are a mystery or have even put you off dyeing with plants.

  • Natürlich gelb färben mit Goldrute

    Dyeing yellow with goldenrod

    From late summer onwards it can hardly be overlooked and is in full bloom: The time has come to dye beautiful yellows with goldenrod. Comparing my garden today on September 1st, 2020, with photos from previous years, it probably started to blossom earlier this year than in previous years. But it's still not too late to get your dye pots ready!